On Saturday, June 21, the First Brigade of the Indiana Guard Reserve met at the Warsaw Armory to conduct a search and rescue training exercise.
The brigade was briefed on their mission at 8:30 a.m. In the training scenario, the Yellowstone Caldera has erupted in Wyoming. The blast was powerful enough to trigger the New Madrid Fault Line, resulting in skies filled with ash and powerful earthquakes shaking the city of Warsaw.
“We try to anticipate what could happen and practice those things,” said Second Lieutenant Steve Sausaman of the brigade.
A communications hub was set up near Winona Avenue and Argonne Road. The brigade searched three locations: Our Father’s House on Winona Avenue, the Arnoit Building on Durbinst and the Gatke Building.
During the exercise, reservist executed perimeter searches and searched for subjects inside buildings. Sergeant Michael Mills and his boxer, Sarge, sniffed out any victims who might have been trapped under debris or injured.
The Warsaw Fire Department also participated in the exercise, and the Warsaw Police Department assisted with traffic control. “This is a great example of how different groups will come together during an emergency,” Sausaman said.
The search and rescue exercise is part of the IGR’s annual training regiment. They drills at different armories in northeast Indiana the third weekend of every month, and take classes for FEMA, CERT and CPR training. The also help out with area events, such as the upcoming airshow in Warsaw, and provide the color guard for the Warsaw 911 memorial..
The Indiana Guard Reserve is all volunteer. There are appoximately 35 members in the IGR First Brigade.
“It’s Hoosier’s Helping Hoosiers,” said Sausaman.